BWRT level 3

BrainWorking Recursive Therapy® (BWRT) is based on the premise that neural pathways can be changed or rerouted, and that a person’s “go-to” reaction can, therefore, be altered. In order to understand the basics of BWRT read an introduction to BWRT here.

BWRT is based on the belief that there are strong links between the mind and the body and that the brain can influence the biological processes in the body. After all, the brain controls all the physiology and workings of the systems in the body and plays a very important part in the body’s immune system.

The brain also stores information regarding experiences of sickness and associated treatments, medications, symptoms, side effects, bodily experiences and pain. It even stores the emotional effects of the sickness, the prognosis and even the opinions of medical professionals. All of this information becomes part of the neural pathways in the brain relating to that ailment. Any trigger relating to the ailment causes the brain to automatically choose a response – in as quick as in a third of a second. This rapid reaction is also stored within a neural pathway in the brain.

BWRT Level 3

BWRT Level 3 can help the brain to activate, accelerate or influence the body and associated physiological systems. New, preferred neural pathways are developed by the client and change how they react to the sickness, as well as the symptoms and the beliefs regarding the sickness.

Before developing these new neural pathways, the client needs to understand a few things about the sickness, such as which part of the brain is involved, which organs are affected, the affected nerves and lymphatic systems, the role of hormones and enzymes, and the influence of the immune system. This information is simplified with diagrams indicating the routes of nerves and the interlinkages with the lymphatic system.

With the BWRT Level 3 therapeutic process – or “protocols” – the new neural pathways are developed and cemented into the brain. Level 3 BWRT can initiate or accelerate processes in the body that have previously not functioned optimally, as well as manage the symptoms, side effects, discomfort or pain related to the condition. It is not suggested that these therapies can “cure” a medical condition but it can help the client to deal as effectively as possible with the condition.

An important requirement before undergoing Level 3 therapies, is that the client must have consulted a professional medical practitioner. This medical practitioner will also be informed of the BWRT process.  Additionally, relevant issues need to be resolved with BWRT Level 1 work before Level 3 work can commence.

Clients suffering from serious sicknesses, such as chronic autoimmune disorders and inflammatory conditions, can benefit from Level 3 therapy.  It can not only bring relief or an improvement in the condition but can also help the client adopt a better mindset about the sickness.

Podcast link below gives good background to BWRT Level 3

Enquire about an appointment with Doreen Hofmeyr on THIS LINK.

Doreen Hofmeyr 082 899 9942 |