BWRT Level 3 brings relief in the pain burden of Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is about pain, lots of pain.  Pain that robs your energy and life quality and movement.  Pain and stiffness that spreads through the body, in arms, legs, neck and back.  Getting out of bed, dressing, preparing food, cleaning, taking a bath, getting up from sitting or lying position, going up and down stairs, getting in and out of your car, working at a desk – all these things that have been taken for granted, they all become a painful challenge.  Feelings of discouragement and hopelessness and a negative affect on mood are common among the sufferers.


BWRT Level 3 is focused on psychobiology – where the interaction between the brain and the body are acknowledged as having a profound effect on health. All experiences and knowledge about a sickness are stored in neural pathways and this dictates the client’s feelings, thinking, experiences and behavior regarding the sickness. The level 3 protocols can be used for chronic illnesses, autoimmune disorders and chronic pain.  Body diagrams are used to create a focus on what needs to happen in the brain and body to address the illness. Drawings and images are used so that the client can understand how all the systems that are involved with fibromyalgia, work and interact together.  This will include the interaction between parts of the brain; neural pathways, blood vessels, organs, glands, hormones and chemicals, all involved in the experience and effects of fibromyalgia.  The techniques of Level 3 are used to activate neural pathways in the brain and body to bring about the best possible functionality between systems in order to bring the best possible state of health for the client.


I have worked with a lady in her forties who was suffering from fibromyalgia for a number of years.  The therapy helped the client understand how the brain and body systems connect and interact.  After completing a session every week for  6 weeks, the client can now continue with her work, drive her car, walking around and going up and down stairs.  She has less pain and stiffness and is happy to report a better life quality and more positive and hopeful mindset.

Doreen Hofmeyr 082 899 9942 |